Ways to Practice Gratitude

  1. Dedicate 2-3 minutes at the beginning of each day to expressing gratitude to people or situations in your life
  2. Create a Daily Gratitude journaland each day, at the end of the day, list down ten things you are grateful for
  3. Make a Daily Gratitude mental list of all the people and situations you are grateful for
  4. Write down a Gratitude list of 20/ 50/ 100 things you are grateful for and read it every day. You can also print it and hang it somewhere in your home.
  5. Create a Gratitude sign.  For me, every time I see a rainbow I remember to express gratitude. But it could also be every time the phone rings, every time you turn on the computer etc.
  6. Install the mindfulness clock on your computer and set it to ring randomly, that way every time you here the bell’s sound it’s a call to express gratitude
  7. Listen to Gratitude guided meditations (coming up)
  8. Do the gratitude challenge with a friend and remind each other daily to be grateful
  9. Sign up for daily reminders of Gratitude and Inspiration
  10. Join the Gratitude Community on Twitter or Facebook for daily reminders
  11. Attend our London gratitude days
You can chose one method or alternate between the different tools. The important things is to set a clear intention to practice gratitude and be consistent. Creating new patterns of thoughts and behavior does require time and effort but the rewards of filling your mind and heart with thoughts of gratitude and appreciation are inexpressible.  

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